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Job Enquiry Ielts Listening

Video job enquiry ielts listening

Have you ever struggled to complete the IELTS Listening section within the given time? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many test-takers face this challenge. To excel in this section, it’s essential to understand and respond to different accents and tones of voice in a limited timeframe.

In this article, we will introduce you to a practice test called ‘Job Enquiry’. By listening to the job enquiry recording and answering the sample questions, you can build confidence and overcome the challenges of the IELTS Listening exam.

Job Enquiry Ielts Listening

What is the Recording About?

The ‘Job Enquiry’ recording focuses on conversations related to job inquiries or employment. It involves a dialogue between a job seeker and either an employer or a representative from a recruitment agency.

During the recording, key information about job requirements, pay, work timings, and other details will be provided. The purpose is to assess your ability to understand spoken English in a professional setting, specifically in the context of job inquiries or employment.

Question Types

The IELTS Listening section includes various question types, and it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with them to improve your performance. One common question type is sentence completion, which tests your ability to identify and understand important information in the recording.

To answer sentence completion questions effectively, read the questions carefully before listening to the recording. Identify keywords and paraphrase them to grasp the topic. Pay attention to the sentences that need to be completed and the words leading up to the gap. This will help you determine the type of word you should be listening for and write it down accurately.

List of Questions

To give you a better understanding of the ‘Job Enquiry’ listening test, here is a list of sample questions:

  1. Work at: ………………. a restaurant
  2. Type of work: 1.………………..
  3. Number of hours per week: 12 hours
  4. I would need a work permit
  5. Work in the: 2…………….…branch
  6. Nearest bus stop: next to 3…………………………
  7. Pay: 4 £………………. an hour
  8. Extra benefits
    • a free dinner
    • extra pay when you work on 5……………………
    • transport home when you work 6………………….

Qualities required:

  • 7……………………..
  • ability to 8……………………..

Interview arranged for Thursday 9……………….. at 6 pm.
Bring the names of two referees.
Ask for: Samira 10…………………….


Let’s go over the answers and explanations for the sample questions:

  1. Answer: Answering phone
    Explanation: The job applicant inquires about the job role, and the front desk helper informs him that his main responsibility will be answering phone calls in the restaurant.

  2. Answer: Hills Dunne Road
    Explanation: As the job applicant is unfamiliar with the city, he asks about the restaurant’s location. The front desk helper replies, mentioning Hills Dunne Road.

  3. Answer: Library
    Explanation: When asked about the nearest bus stop, the front desk helper mentions that it is located beside the library.

  4. Answer: £4.45 per hour
    Explanation: The job applicant inquires about the pay, and the front desk helper informs him that it is £4.45 per hour.

  5. Answer: national holidays
    Explanation: The front desk helper mentions that one of the job’s perks includes free dinners and extra payment for working on national holidays.

  6. Answer: after 11 (o’clock)
    Explanation: The front desk helper explains another advantage, stating that food, extra payment, and transportation will be provided after 11 o’clock at night.

  7. Answer: a clear voice
    Explanation: The front desk helper mentions that one of the qualities required for the job is a clear voice.

  8. Answer: think quickly
    Explanation: Candidates must also possess the ability to think quickly for this specific job.

  9. Answer: 22 Oct
    Explanation: The interview date is set for Thursday, October 22nd, after 6 pm.

  10. Answer: Manuja
    Explanation: When asked whom to look for, the front desk helper provides the name Sameera Manuja as a reference.

Solving a variety of listening recordings will improve your understanding of job enquiry listening answers. At LeapScholar, we offer tailored IELTS courses with authentic listening materials. Our top IELTS trainers conduct live online classes, where you can attempt unlimited practice tests and receive personalized feedback. You will also have access to class recordings and receive a course completion certificate.

Join us at LeapScholar and embark on your IELTS preparation journey.

Tips to Solve Job Enquiry IELTS Listening Answers Successfully

To improve your reading abilities and succeed in the IELTS Listening section, follow these tips:

Manage your Time Effectively

Allocate more time to difficult questions or segments that require extra comprehension. Track the time it takes to answer each question type and develop effective time management strategies.

Pay Extra Attention to the Recording

Listen actively and take notes while paying full attention to the recording. Mentally note key points and try to predict the answers simultaneously. This will enhance your focus and multitasking skills.

Always Look for Keywords

Before listening to the recording, identify keywords that can help you locate the answers. These keywords will provide clues and a better understanding of the topic.

Transfer Your Answers Accurately

During the final 10 minutes of the Listening test, transfer your answers to the answer sheet. Make sure your answers fit the correct blank or space provided and are grammatically aligned with the context. Pay attention to spelling as well.

Practice Till you are Confident

Practice a variety of IELTS listening tests under exam conditions. Identify areas where you struggle and work on improving your skills in those areas. Keep practicing until you consistently achieve your desired score in practice tests.

For additional guidance, download our comprehensive IELTS app, which covers techniques and strategies for each question type.

Download the LeapScholar IELTS prep app today and access the best resources, including expert lessons, practice tests, and everything you need to succeed in the IELTS exam.

Start your journey to achieving your desired IELTS Listening score with LeapScholar!

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Remember, practice makes perfect! With dedication and consistent effort, you can conquer the IELTS Listening section.