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The Lost City IELTS


The captivating tale of the Lost City of IELTS takes us back to the early 20th century when intrepid explorer Hiram Bingham embarked on a groundbreaking journey in South America. His mission? To uncover the remnants of Vitcos, the last capital of the Inca civilization. Join me as we delve into the thrilling account of his expedition through the remote Andes mountains of Peru.

The Search Begins

Bingham’s adventure commenced in the majestic city of Cusco, perched at an impressive altitude of over 3,000 meters. His ambitious plan involved descending from this high plateau along the meandering Urubamba river. This treacherous route led through awe-inspiring canyons and mountain ranges, presenting Bingham with a formidable challenge.

A Trail of Discovery

Equipped with a crucial advantage – a newly blasted track in the valley canyon – Bingham and his team embarked on their descent in late July. Previous explorers had veered away from this path, opting for a pass through the mountains. Little did they know that by doing so, they missed a hidden gem known as Machu Picchu.

Unveiling the Marvel

On the 24th of July, as Bingham continued his descent, he stumbled upon a set of ruins atop a nearby hill. Despite the damp weather and the disinterest of his companions, Bingham’s curiosity propelled him forward. As he climbed, he encountered terraces, a mausoleum, monumental staircases, and finally, the grand ceremonial buildings of Machu Picchu. The sight before him seemed like a surreal dream.

The Power of Hindsight

Bingham chronicled his remarkable journey in his book “Lost City of the Incas,” published years later in 1948. However, his journal entries from the time reveal a more gradual appreciation of his findings. He meticulously measured the dimensions of the structures and, without realizing its true significance, rejoined his companions. It was only in retrospect that Bingham understood the magnitude of his discovery.

A Journey Rewritten

Returning from his expedition, Bingham saw an opportunity to establish his name through this remarkable find. When he published the story in the National Geographic magazine in April 1913, he introduced a bold hypothesis. Bingham pondered whether Machu Picchu was not only the birthplace of the first Inca, Manco the Great, but also the fabled “last city of the Incas.” However, subsequent research has proven Bingham’s theory inaccurate, as the true Vilcabamba lies deep within the jungle, kilometers away.

Unraveling the Mystery

The abandonment of Machu Picchu prior to the Spanish Conquest has puzzled historians, archaeologists, and visitors alike. The absence of references to the site in Spanish chronicles raises questions about its purpose and demise. One prevailing theory suggests that Machu Picchu served as a luxurious country estate for Inca emperors to escape the harsh winters of Cusco. The distinctive architecture aligns with the reign of the revered Emperor Pachacuti. After his passing, the estate fell into disuse, marking the end of an era.

Embrace the Adventure

The story of the Lost City of IELTS continues to captivate our imagination. It serves as a reminder of the wonders that await those who dare to explore the unknown. Join us as we embark on thrilling journeys through history, unraveling the mysteries of the world’s hidden treasures. To embark on your own journey of discovery, visit today!

This article is a rewritten version of the original content. All credit for the original content goes to the volunteer Lan Nguyen.