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Bộ đề thi Tiếng Anh lớp 8 cuối học kì 2

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Bộ đề thi Tiếng Anh 8 Học kì 2 năm 2023 (15 đề)

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Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

I. Listen and do the following tasks.

Decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F)

  1. The speaker enjoys using technology. ___
  2. The speaker talks on the phone more than using social networking sites. ___

Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D

  1. What does the speaker do on Saturday morning?
    A. turn on the computer, turn of the mobile and the landline
    B. work on the computer all day
    C. turn off the computer and turn on the mobile and landline
    D. switches off the computer, the mobile and the landline

  2. Why does the speaker go to the pub?
    A. to relax
    B. to work
    C. to drink
    D. to meet friends

  3. How does the weekend help the speaker?
    A. It makes him tired.
    B. It helps him finish his work faster.
    C. It recharges his batteries.
    D. It doesn’t help him do anything.

II. Find the words with the underlined parts pronounced differently from the others.

  1. A. prehistoric
    B. economic
    C. linguistic
    D. optimistic

  2. A. government
    B. celebrate
    C. nominee
    D. popular

  3. A. imbecile
    B. impossible
    C. uncommon
    D. unhappy

III. Find the word that has different stress pattern in each line.

  1. A. tool
    B. moon
    C. soon
    D. cook

  2. A. crossed
    B. followed
    C. fluttered
    D. happened

  3. A. tear
    B. bear
    C. hear
    D. fear

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.

  1. Some documents say that people __ the Glastonbury Festival since the beginning of the 19th century.
    A. celebrated
    B. were celebrating
    C. have celebrated
    D. celebrate

  2. The flight number 781 to Melbourne __ at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
    A. arrives
    B. is arriving
    C. has arrived
    D. will arrive

    • How is your holiday in New Zealand? – __.
      A. Really
      B. Awesome
      C. Absolutely right
      D. Sure
  3. All the villages ___ to safe areas before midnight last night.
    A. evacuated
    B. were evacuated
    C. had evacuated
    D. had been evacuated

  4. I’d be over the moon if I ___ a chance to go to Disneyland in California.
    A. have
    B. had
    C. will have
    D. would have

  5. You should talk to your dad first because that fridge __ not be suitable for your family.
    A. can
    B. may
    C. need
    D. ought

  6. She doesn’t have the doctor’s telephone number to book a(n) ____ with him.
    A. ticket
    B. appointment
    C. lunch set
    D. seat

  7. The 21st century has already seen considerable ___ in computer technology.
    A. progress
    B. progressing
    C. progresses
    D. process

  8. What are you going to do next summer?” she asked.
    A. She asked us what we were going to do the following summer.
    B. She asked us what I was going to do the following summer.
    C. She asked us what were we going to do the following summer.
    D. She asked us what we was going to do the following summer.

V. Give the correct form of the word given to complete the sentences.

  1. The first experiment was __, so we need to do another one. (SUCCEED)

  2. The __ between Vietnam and America is good. (FRIEND)

  3. A lot of _____ to people and assets was left after a hurricane. (damageS)

VI. Find a mistake in the four underlined parts of each sentence and correct it.

  1. It is reported that six people trapped in collapsed buildings have freed so far.
  2. Everyone should be extreme worried about the hole in the ozone layer.

VII. Read the passage and answer the following questions.

New Zealand is a small country in the southern Pacific Ocean. There are two main islands, the North Island and the South Island, as (26) well as many smaller islands. New Zealand is 268,000 square kilometres, about the same size as the United Kingdom.

There are four main cities. Auckland, in the north, is the largest city with a population (27) over one million people. Auckland’s population includes many different nationalities. For example, there are large groups of European, Maori, Pacific Island, Chinese and Indian people. Together with other smaller groups, they make Auckland an interesting and (28) place to live.

Although Wellington is the capital, the centre of government, it is smaller and (29) than Auckland with a population of 350,000. The main cities in the South Island are Christchurch, known as the Garden City, and Dunedin, which is often (30) to a small Scottish city.

  1. A. good
    B. well
    C. better
    D. same

  2. A. of
    B. with
    C. to
    D. from

  3. A. excitement
    B. excited
    C. exciting
    D. excite

  4. A. more quiet
    B. quietly
    C. most quiet
    D. quieter

  5. A. compared
    B. to compare
    C. been compared
    D. comparing

VIII. Read the following passage about tornadoes and choose the best answer.

Telephones help people speak to one another when they are apart. For more than a hundred years, nearly every telephone was a landline. A landline telephone is one that needs to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones. Because of the wires, people could not take those telephones with them when they left their homes or offices.

What if you had to make a call while you were away from home? You had to find a pay phone. Pay phones are landlines found in public places. Many pay phones are on the street. You can make a call from inside a glass or metal space called a phone booth. Once you are inside the booth, you put coins into a slot in the phone to make a call.

Telephones have seen a lot of progress. Today, many people carry cell phones. Cell phones do not need to be connected with wires. They can be used almost anywhere and can fit in an adult’s hand.

Many cell phones sold today are smart phones. A smart phone is a cell phone that has lots of computer-style features. For example, people use smart phones to check e-mail and go on the Internet. And all that can be done using something small enough to carry in a pocket!

  1. What is a landline telephone?
    A. a telephone that can be carried around in your pocket and used anywhere
    B. a telephone that can be used in a public place
    C. a telephone that needs to be connected by a wire to a network of other telephones
    D. a telephone that can be used to check e-mail and go on the Internet

  2. The article describes an example of a landline. What is an example of a landline?
    A. a pay phone
    B. a smart phone
    C. a cell phone
    D. a mobile phone

  3. Pay phones are probably not used as much today as they were in the past. What piece of evidence supports this conclusion?
    A. Many people today carry cell phones, which can be used almost anywhere.
    B. Payphones are landlines that can be found in public places.
    C. People could not take landlines with them when they left their homes.
    D. People put coins into a slot in the pay phone to make a call.

  4. What might be a reason that cell phones were invented?
    A. People wanted to be able to make calls from their homes or offices.
    B. People wanted to be able to make calls away from home without finding a pay phone.
    C. People wanted to be able to speak to one another when they were apart.
    D. People wanted to be able to speak and see each other from far distance.

  5. What is the main idea of this article?
    A. Telephones are used to keep people apart as much as possible.
    B. Cell phones are much less useful than landlines and pay phones.
    C. Landlines and pay phones still play an important part in the world nowadays.
    D. Telephones have been used for many years, and they have changed a lot over time.

IX. Rewrite the sentences using the word given in brackets.

  1. They will widen the gate to let the cars run into the yard easily.
    => The gate will be widened to let the cars run into the yard easily.

  2. I can’t come because I have to help my dad with something.
    => If I didn’t have to help my dad with something, I could come.
    Hoặc: If I did not have to help my dad with something, I could come.

  3. As soon as we got on the plane, the pilot told us to get off again.
    => We had just got on the plane when the pilot told us to get off again.

  4. We wanted to know how they had returned to Earth.
    => “How did they return to Earth?” we asked.

  5. Don’t miss seeing the Opera House when you are in Sydney. (forget)
    => Don’t forget to see the Opera House when you are in Sydney.

Phòng Giáo dục và Đào tạo …..

Đề thi Học kì 2

Năm học 2023

Bài thi môn: Tiếng Anh lớp 8

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút

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