Chuyển tới nội dung

Thiên Văn Học Tiếng Anh: Khám phá Vũ Trụ

thiên văn học tiếng anh

Giới thiệu

Bạn có biết rằng thiên văn học là một trong những chủ đề thú vị có thể xuất hiện trong bài thi IELTS? Nếu muốn làm tốt các phần thi liên quan đến chủ đề này, hãy cùng The SOL Education tìm hiểu về các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề thiên văn học trong bài viết này.

Các từ vựng IELTS chủ đề thiên văn học

1. Astronomy (Thiên văn học)

  • The study of celestial objects and the universe.

    Ví dụ: Astronomy has made significant advancements in understanding black holes.

2. Galaxy (Ngân hà)

  • A large system of stars, dust, and gas held together by gravity.

    Ví dụ: The Milky Way is the galaxy that contains our solar system.

3. Solar system (Hệ mặt trời)

  • The sun, together with the planets and other celestial bodies that orbit around it.

    Ví dụ: Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system.

4. Planet (Hành tinh)

  • A celestial body that orbits around a star.

    Ví dụ: Earth is the third planet from the sun.

5. Star (Ngôi sao)

  • A luminous celestial body made up of gas, primarily hydrogen and helium.

    Ví dụ: The North Star, also known as Polaris, is used for navigation.

6. Moon (Mặt trăng)

  • A natural satellite that orbits around a planet.

    Ví dụ: Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon.

7. Eclipse (Nhật thực/nhật nguyệt)

  • The total or partial blocking of light from a celestial body by another celestial body.

    Ví dụ: We witnessed a solar eclipse last year.

8. Constellation (Chòm sao)

  • A group of stars that forms a recognizable pattern.

    Ví dụ: Orion is one of the most famous constellations in the night sky.

9. Comet (Sao chổi)

  • A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust that orbits the sun and develops a coma and sometimes a tail.

    Ví dụ: Halley’s Comet is visible from Earth every 76 years.

10. Meteor (Sao băng)

  • A small celestial body that enters the Earth’s atmosphere and burns up, appearing as a streak of light.

    Ví dụ: We saw a shooting star last night.

11. Telescope (Kính viễn vọng)

  • An optical instrument used to observe distant objects in space.

    Ví dụ: Astronomers use telescopes to study the stars and galaxies.

12. Astronaut (Phi hành gia)

  • A person who travels into space.

    Ví dụ: Neil Armstrong was an astronaut on the Apollo 11 mission.

13. Satellite (Vệ tinh)

  • An artificial object that is placed into orbit around a celestial body.

    Ví dụ: The International Space Station is a man-made satellite.

14. Gravity (Lực hấp dẫn)

  • The force that attracts objects toward each other.

    Ví dụ: The gravity of the moon is about one-sixth that of Earth.

15. Supernova (Siêu tân tinh)

  • An extremely bright and powerful explosion of a star.

    Ví dụ: The explosion of a supernova releases an enormous amount of energy.

16. Astronomical (Vô cùng to lớn)

  • Extremely large or involving astronomical objects or phenomena.

    Ví dụ: The cost of the project was astronomical.

17. Orbit (Quỹ đạo)

  • The path followed by an object revolving around another object.

    Ví dụ: The Earth orbits around the sun.

18. Universe (Vũ trụ)

  • All existing matter and space, including all celestial bodies.

    Ví dụ: Scientists are trying to understand the origins of the universe.

19. Astrolabe (Cái đĩa viễn vọng)

  • An ancient astronomical instrument used to measure the position of celestial objects.

    Ví dụ: The astrolabe was used by sailors for celestial navigation.

20. Light-year (Năm ánh sáng)

  • The distance that light travels in one year.

    Ví dụ: Proxima Centauri, the closest star to our solar system, is about 4.2 light-years away.

21. Black hole (Vùng hấp dẫn)

  • A region in space with extremely strong gravitational pull, from which no light can escape.

    Ví dụ: Scientists are studying the effects of matter falling into a black hole.

22. Cosmic radiation (Bức xạ vũ trụ)

  • High-energy particles that come from outer space.

    Ví dụ: Astronauts face the risk of exposure to cosmic radiation during space missions.

23. Stellar evolution (Tiến hóa sao)

  • The process by which a star changes over its lifetime.

    Ví dụ: The study of stellar evolution helps us understand the life cycles of stars.

24. Red giant (Sao khổng lồ đỏ)

  • A large, aging star that has exhausted its core hydrogen and expanded in size.

    Ví dụ: Betelgeuse is a well-known red giant star in the constellation Orion.

25. Supernova explosion (Vụ nổ siêu tân tinh)

  • The catastrophic explosion of a massive star during its final stages of evolution.

    Ví dụ: The remnants of a supernova explosion can form a neutron star or a black hole.

26. Celestial body (Vật thể thiên thể)

  • Any natural object that exists outside Earth’s atmosphere, such as planets, moons, asteroids, and comets.

    Ví dụ: The solar system consists of various celestial bodies.

27. Lunar eclipse (Nhật nguyệt)

  • An event that occurs when the Earth casts its shadow on the moon, causing it to darken.

    Ví dụ: The next lunar eclipse will be visible from our region.

28. Planetary system (Hệ hành tinh)

  • A system consisting of a star and the celestial bodies that orbit around it, including planets, moons, and asteroids.

    Ví dụ: The discovery of exoplanets has expanded our knowledge of planetary systems beyond our own.

29. Dwarf planet (Hành tinh lùn)

  • A celestial body that orbits the sun, is spherical in shape, but has not cleared its orbit of other debris.

    Ví dụ: Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet in our solar system.

30. Astronomical observation (Quan sát thiên văn)

  • The act of using instruments to gather data and study celestial objects.

    Ví dụ: Astronomical observations have revealed the existence of exoplanets.

Khám phá vũ trụ với

Hy vọng rằng với vốn từ vựng tiếng Anh mới đã được bổ sung thông qua bài viết này, bạn sẽ tự tin hơn trong kỳ thi IELTS. Hãy tiếp tục theo dõi, trang web miễn phí hàng đầu về học TOEIC và tiếng Anh, để trải nghiệm bài kiểm tra đa lựa chọn miễn phí tại đây.

Chúc bạn thành công trong hành trình học tập và khám phá vũ trụ!